Bobby Bobcat Update

New Rescue Bobby the Bobcat Settling

March 15, 2016
In January, Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge welcomed the newest member of our furry family, Bobby the Bobcat. Bobby is a 17-year-old blind bobcat from Ohio. This sweet little guy was very skittish for the first few weeks that he lived at Turpentine. We were lucky to see a set of glowing eyes peeking out of his den when dinner came around. The only way we knew that he had come out was that his food was gone.

bobby in habitatWeeks passed and soon we started to see flashes of gray fur in his night house… if you weren’t too close. Slowly but surely, Bobby began getting use to the smells and sounds of Turpentine. Once we were sure that our little Bobby had settled in, we gave him access to his new habitat, which he time-shares with our Serval Bowden.

For the first few days, we were unsure if Bobby knew how to get into his habitat, but soon we began seeing flashes of gray fur in the habitat. Bobby is a brave soul and even though he couldn’t see his habitat very well, he explored every inch of it.

Now, Bobby has become comfortable enough with us that he spends many of his days out in the grass of his habitat, no matter how close you are! Bobby has yet to tempt climbing on the benches or hammocks scattered around his habitat but perhaps in time, he will figure that one out.

We have seen amazing support for our newest rescue. Bobby has a handful of adopters already, although he is still waiting on a sponsor. Visitors have even spotted Bobby laying in a ray of sunshine on occasion. Bobby is happy and healthy at Turpentine Creek; we are very glad that we could offer him a forever home with us.

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