Project Near Completion
October 31, 2018
In late 2015, Turpentine Creek began working to upgrade our habitats, replacing old fencing, raising fence heights, and even rebuilding a few of our older habitats. It was a time consuming, labor intensive, and costly project, but it needed to be done due to changes in habitat regulations. The project was in full swing and nearly completed when it came to a screeching halt after we received the phone call that begun the Colorado Project. All but one habitat had been revamped when we had to shift our focus from fixing to building so that we could accommodate 34 new animals at the Refuge. Turpentine Creek got approval to hold off on the rebuild of the final habitat as long as no new animals were moved into it.
Three years, a brand new on-site veterinary hospital, 123 animals rescued, 2 animals rehomed to the Refuge, 3 new habitats built, and numerous smaller projects later and work on the final habitat is about to begin.
On Tuesday, October 30, Chuff, Abigail, and Athena were moved to the newly emptied habitat next to their old one. The team constructed a temporary ‘shoot’ to make the move from their former habitat to their new one easy. It took a little encouragement (a red boomer ball and some fun encouragement from Emily), but all three tigers were safely moved into their new habitat.
In the upcoming days, once the rain stops, the animal care team will cut down the current poles and wiring. The poles will be extended to 12 feet high with a 3 feet jump guard, and 4×4 inch wiring will be hung around the whole habitat. When this habitat is completed all 60 habitats will be up to regulation standards. We are excited to finalize this project. Since we began reconstruction of our habitats metal prices have risen 25%, meaning this habitat reconstruct will cost more than the previous ones. Please donate to our habitat fund to help mitigate the increased cost to rebuild this final habitat.