Turpentine Creek’s “No Plastic Bag” Initiative
January 17, 2019
Turpentine Creek has taken the pledge to reduce our plastic waste. Our mission at the refuge is to rescue abandoned, abused and unwanted big cats, but we also believe it is important to be pro-active in many areas of conservation and environmentalism. In an effort to help with the overwhelming problem of plastics in the environment, we have launched a “No Plastic Bag” initiative for our gift shops.
Last year, we began to roll out the program by offering reusable TCWR totes as a choice. This year, we will no longer carry plastic bags at all. You can join TCWR in making the world a healthier place by joining our “No Plastic Bag” initiative and get your own reusable TCWR tote today! Our beautiful, reusable bags that will be available for an additional $2 donation to the refuge.
Did you know:
- The average American family takes home almost 1500 plastic shopping bags a year
- Only approximately 1% of plastic bags are returned for recycling
- At least 600 different animal species have been affected by plastic pollution in the ocean
- Plastic bags are used for an average of 12 minutes, but it takes at least 500 years for it to degrade in a landfill
- 80% of all plastic in the ocean comes from land
- There is currently 19 BILLION pounds of garbage in the ocean
- By 2050 it is estimated there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish
- If we do not take action, plastic pollution is predicted to double by 2025
Problem: The problem with plastics is that they do not biodegrade, once they are made they will never leave the planet. Recycling only downgrades materials, and cannot constantly be reused. Marine life is heavily affected by plastics, causing them to either eat plastic and not be able to pass it, or become entangled. One in three endangered leatherback turtles has been found to have died due to consuming plastic. Thousands of marine life dependent on the ocean die every day due to our trash. Plastics break down over time, absorbing into marine life and also ending up on our dinner plates.
Solution: Reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse, and rethink the amount of plastic you consume. Avoid using single-use plastics as much as possible and use re-usable items such as water bottles, food containers, shopping bags, toothbrushes, straws, coffee cups, non-synthetic clothing etc. Properly dispose of your trash, ensuring that recyclable materials do not end up in a landfill.
Individual choices DO matter, if we all make changes now, we can greatly decrease the amount of harm that our waste does to the planet. Empower others around you to make changes in their daily lives to help the environment.
“Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.”-Albert Einstein