Biggest Rescue In Our History

TCWR Acquires 110 Animals From Colorado Facility

October 17, 2016

Khaleesi, Lakota, and Aurora are trying to enjoy the shade in Colorado.

On September 21, Turpentine Creek took on our largest rescue, possibly the largest big cat rescue in the USA, when we acquired 110 animals from a facility in Colorado.

The previous owner of the Colorado facility was diagnosed with Cancer, for two years he had diligently searched for a group to take on the care of his animals.

Finally, he found Turpentine Creek and reached out to us. After a brief visit to the facility, by Tanya, Scott, and Emily, we could not turn down the opportunity to take over the care of these animals.


Khaleesi, Lakota, and Aurora enjoy their pool, in their new habitat in Arkansas.

We are very lucky to have an extensive network of past interns who are dedicated to the Turpentine Creek mission and have volunteered their time to help us. Making sure that we have people on site to care for the animals.

Many of the animals in Colorado need immediate veterinary care and we need your help to make sure all the animals are taken care of properly. Please donate now to assist in the care for all of our new animals.

Turpentine Creek has partnered with Tigers in America to take on the monumental task of rescuing the 110 Colorado animals, and we need your help.

Four Volunteer Veterinarians, 3 of which are old interns, performed emergency eye surgery on two tigers in Colorado.

In a single day, the number of animals in our care more than doubled. Enclosures in Colorado are in desperate need for updates and animals are in need of veterinary care. So much needs to be done before the winter weather starts in Colorado.

We need your help to make sure all our animals live happy, healthy lives, please click here to donate now to help us, help them.



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