December Vet Hospital Update

The end is in sight, Veterinary Hospital Progress Report

December 19, 2015

12345586_941304525962901_9193100809474599279_nThe Veterinary Hospital is coming along quickly. We are only a few short days away from frame of the hospital from being completed. We will have to wait until spring to finish the exterior, constantly above 50-degree weather, but once the frame has been completed we will be able to move inside and start on putting in the insolation, walls, building containment areas, painting, etc.

We are still raising funds to equipped the hospital, we still need over half the $151,788 needed to fund all the specialized equipment needed. Big Cats cannot use ‘normal’ sized medical equipment. We have had to custom order a surgery table large enough to hold a full grown lion/tiger/bear. It is expensive to custom make items, but it is necessary.

12369016_941304542629566_872018385776872210_nThe vet hospital will make sure that our animals are in the best health. We can perform emergency surgeries, tooth extractions, blood tests, and other procedures without leaving our facility, which reduces stress on the animals. It is also safer since most Veterinarians are not fully equipped to handle such dangerous animals.

This Veterinary Hospital will open opportunities to learn and improve health care practices for big cats. Please help us reach our goal to raise the $151,788 needed to properly equipped the hospital. The Veterinary Hospital should be completed by mid spring so our time is running out, most equipment needs to be ordered now to be here by the time the Veterinary Hospital is complete.

Click Here to Donate Now, not only will you help keep our animals healthy but by donating before the end of the year you could also benefit. Donations are tax deductible, put your hard earned money to good use.

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