New Steps

New Stairs at the Downtown Gift Shop

The Building of the New Stairs to the Turpentine Creek Downtown Gift Shop located at 2 Spring Street, Eureka Springs.

Our downtown gift shop has seen some changes recently. The old, narrow, crumbling steps have been torn down and new, solid steps now frame the entrance of our downtown location.

This improvement has been needed since we opened the downtown location. The new stairs will make it easy to enter the shop and also helps improve the look and feel of the shop.

We are doing everything we can to make sure our visitors are comfortable and can enjoy the Turpentine Creek experience, both at the refuge and downtown.

Please take a minute and stop by to see our downtown location if you are in Eureka Springs. It is a great place to get information about Turpentine Creek, purchase tickets, and learn about the refuge, before making the trip 7 miles south of Eureka to visit the animals.

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